What is Care Scanner®?
A system dedicated to provide assistance during emergencies for elderly individuals living independently.
When you can’t be contacted at your home your friends can call the Care Scanner® number. We will call immediate help for you from your contact list of key holders that are the fastest responders. As a last resort we will contact the Emergency services.
In Spain, there are over 2 million individuals aged 65 and above, officially registered as residing alone reveals a National Statistics Institute study – almost half the 4.7 million single-person households in the country. 850K are aged 80+, with 662k being women. The 2013-18 study indicates a consistent rise in seniors living alone. This trend exposes a growing social concern as Spain’s population ages, with increasing isolation faced by over 2 million individuals.
Some of these people already have established alternative systems, but the majority still lack adequate emergency support. Most rely on you to call for help, but not if you are incapacitated – our system does!

About us, about Care Scanner®
• Our invention of Care Scanner® originates from our own experiences where people living alone have found themselves suddenly in a situation being unable to contact the outside world.
• Hopefully it will never happen to you but imagine a situation where help is needed, and you are unable to reach out.
• Care Scanner® offers that service for those of you who want to feel safe and supported especially if living alone or face challenges.
• We give you an emergency contact number and a unique reference number. If we cant reach you, our call centre finds the best emergency solution.
• Your reference number helps us reach out to your neighbours, friends, family, and other trusted contacts you have provided us with.
How it works – The following situation shows two possible scenarios

Beryl Walker, living independently since her husband’s passing three years ago in Spain, stays connected with friends, like Bill, who provides rides to their weekly coffee meet-ups.
Concerned when Beryl doesn’t answer any of her friends phone calls, Bill drives over.
Beryl did have a cold recently…
After no response at the door, he spots the Care Scanner® Sticker, and recalls Beryl mentioning it. Bill calls the number.
After providing his details and the sticker code he’s assured that Care Scanner® provides access to Bery’s property.
“Please stay put,” the courteous lady says. “I will call you back”.
Scenario One

CS: “Care Scanner® here, the key holder is on the way— it’s Beryl’s next-door neighbour.”
BILL: “Oh that’s great, I am so relieved, thank you!”
CS: “Let me know if you need more help.”
The neighbour arrives, and they find Beryl on the kitchen floor with a broken hip. They call an Ambulance to take her to the hospital.
Scenario Two

CS: “Care Scanner® here, I am unable to reach the key holder, so we have alerted the emergency services—they are on the way.”
BILL: “Oh that’s great, I am so relieved, thank you!”
CS: “Let me know if you need more help.”
The Police and an Ambulance arrive and they find Beryl on the kitchen floor with a broken hip. The Ambulance takes her to the hospital.
Care Scanner® Helps you to Be Safe
- We give you a unique Emergency phone number:
It’s provides a number to be called if you are incapacitated. - We also give you a unique reference number:
This helps our team quickly find your key holders. - If we can’t reach the key holders, we find the best solution:
Contacts or Emergency Services. Our team will act quickly to make sure you’re okay and have the fastest response. - Your contacts can be your friends, neighbours, or anyone of your choice that could help if needed:
Your reference number helps us connect with the people you’ve chosen.

Care Scanner® makes you feel safe & supported. In an Emergency it’s as easy as calling a friend for help.
Contact Us:
Have questions or need assistance? We are here for you! Contact Care Scanner® using the form below, and our dedicated team will be happy to help.
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